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Adult Education

Thompson Falls Community Education is seeking to improve the quality of life by providing lifelong learning opportunities for all members of the community. 

The success of Thompson Falls Community Education program relies on the active involvement of our citizens - not only those who enroll in our classes, but also those who volunteer at schools and events or share their passion and knowledge with others by teaching class. 

To continue to provide excellent programs and meet your needs, we are always looking for new class ideas.  Please contact Melissa Wilson at 406-830-5025 or by email at  and let her know what classes you like, new class ideas and/or what class you would like to teach. 

Continue to check back to see any changes or added classes.  

Classes are open to individuals 18 years of age and older who have finished high school.  Some classes may also require the purchase of materials

Current Offerings


Adult Circuit Training Bridgette Giegling 09/13/21 - continuous   T & Th High School
Rebounding Aerobics Brandie Rich 03/26/24 - ongoing        T & Th     Elementary/JH Gym
Dance Fitness Lisa Mickelson 03/6/24 - 04/17/24 High School Gym
Weight Strengthening Training Bridgette Giegling 10/9/24 - ongoing          M, T, & Th High School Gym
Bridge Class Joni Mosher 10/9/24 - ongoing          Th High School Library